I have many pics to post of our Sunday but here is what we did on Saturday:

We visited The Florida Aquarium back in college but it was a really quick trip. I have been asking to go again for a while now and on Saturday Husband surprised me with a day there :) There was more to do & see than I remember.
These are look-down fish - one of my favorites because their name is quite literal.

My favorite thing to do was pet the sting rays. They are so soft (some would say slimy) and cute!

There was a whole seahorse area, which I also loved. Can you believe how much this guy looks like seaweed? I'm gonna look a little closer from now on!

And lots of tropical fishes.

We saw a giant blowfish.

They had a penguin show which was so entertaining - partly because of all the little kids asking questions and partly because of the penguins' curious personalities. I want one.

Here I am touching more sea life.

The water was freezing but they had the most beautiful colored starfish in this tank.

No pictures of the big eel?!?